Tanzania Tour 2009 Reflection by Bernard

Hello everyone. Back in late Sept of 2009 I was part of a group who travelled to the village and surrounding districts of Tarakea in Tanzania. Our hosts, and those of whom we met were very friendly and hospitable. While it was obvious to us all that the very basics of life which we enjoy in Australia were often absent, these people who suffer hardship on a daily basis, were never the less welcoming and happy to share their time and food with us, as they invited us into their villages and homes - a most humbling experience for us all I might add. The circumstances of the orphan children that we met and their future welfare has to be our main concern, and as a group we feel that this can really only be improved by them receiving a good education which is currently unaffordable to so many in that part of the world. And so, my "Hope and Prayers are", that the community of Albany and friends will continue in their previous generous support to the "Orphans of Tarakea". I commend the Parish Priest Fr Valerian and the community of St Pius Church and School for the wonderful work they are doing, by loving and caring for these beautiful children.
Thank you and God Bless.