25 November 2010


Hope of Tarakea

Presents - A night at the movies

The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Rated PG

Thursday December 9th 2010

Commencing 5pm with refreshments - Movie 6pm

At Orana Cinemas

Tickets at $20 adults and $15 children 16yrs and under

Tickets sold at Catholic Parish Office - Aberdeen Street

and available on the night


16 November 2010


The current project for Hope of Tarakea is to send a container of good quality second-hand books and computers to Tanzania. We are aiming to help establish a library for the school of St Pius X in Tarakea. Currently, the school has no texts or library books and limited resources. The books we would like to collect include:

  • Reference Books - Encyclopaedia Sets, Atlases
  • Children’s Picture Books
  • Fiction Books - Suitable for Primary and Secondary age children

We are also asking for donations of computers and educational software which are in good working order. As educational supplies are not subject to import tax, items such as stationery or even sporting equipment would be greatly received.

22 May 2010

By way of support to the orphan children who live in Fr Msami's home village of Tarakea, it has been decided by the group of parishioners who travelled to Tanzania last year to place all future fundraising activities under the banner 'Hope of Tarakea'. The parishioners who travelled to Tarakea with Fr Msami were able to witness first hand the plight of the orphan children and have concluded, along with Fr Msafiri(Parish Priest of St Pius X church and school), that the number one priority in any further support should be to cover the cost of the school fees for these children.

The first project under the 'Hope of Tarakea' banner has been to establish this blog. This has been set up to present some of the personal experiences as witnessed by the group. The main aim however, is to give an overview as to how we might individually or collectively, make an ongoing contribution towards this most worthy cause.

In particular, please note the pages under the headings, 'Donations' and Education Sponsorship'. These are most informative and include in some detail the effort and accountability process in setting up the arrangements for donations to be made online to the 'Hope of Tarakea' account. Please be assured that the funds will be transferred on a regular basis directly to the orphans of Tarakea account, which is under the control of the Tarakea Parish Priest and free of administration costs.

24 February 2010

Hello everyone. Back in late Sept of 2009 I was part of a group who travelled to the village and surrounding districts of Tarakea in Tanzania. Our hosts, and those of whom we met were very friendly and hospitable. While it was obvious to us all that the very basics of life which we enjoy in Australia were often absent, these people who suffer hardship on a daily basis, were never the less welcoming and happy to share their time and food with us, as they invited us into their villages and homes - a most humbling experience for us all I might add. The circumstances of the orphan children that we met and their future welfare has to be our main concern, and as a group we feel that this can really only be improved by them receiving a good education which is currently unaffordable to so many in that part of the world. And so, my "Hope and Prayers are", that the community of Albany and friends will continue in their previous generous support to the "Orphans of Tarakea". I commend the Parish Priest Fr Valerian and the community of St Pius Church and School for the wonderful work they are doing, by loving and caring for these beautiful children.
Thank you and God Bless.

26 January 2010

Hi Everyone

I am very happy to be part of the team of Hope of Tarakea. Tarakea happened to be my Home Village. I grew up there, was educated there and all my relations lives there. I call Tarakea home because this is where my roots are .